Cuyahoga Arts & Culture’s Board of Trustees welcomes public input in its deliberations and recognizes the importance of public comment on issues before the Board and of permitting members of the CAC community to express their views on matters of interest to CAC.
The Board is committed to conducting its meetings in a civil, orderly, efficient and productive manner designed to allow the Board’s regular agenda to be completed in a reasonable period of time and for a fair and adequate opportunity for public input to be considered. Consequently, public participation at Board meetings will be governed by the following principles:
- Public participation at Board meetings is limited to the public comment portions of the meeting designated for (i) listed agenda items and (ii) non-agenda items. At all other times during a Board meeting, the audience will not be permitted to discuss or debate on matters being considered by the Board unless specifically requested to do so by the President of the Board (or other presiding officer).
- Public participation will be heard at regular meetings of the Board, although the Board reserves the right to dispense with public input at any given regular meeting. Public participation will not be heard at special or committee meetings unless authorized by a vote of the Board or Committee, as appropriate.
- Persons wishing to address the Board must be present in person and register prior to the beginning of the meeting in a log kept for the purpose by providing their name, address and agenda topic (if addressing an agenda item) or other topic of CAC interest.
- Public input on agenda items will be scheduled near the beginning of each regular Board meeting and prior to the Board’s consideration of the regular agenda. Public input on other topics of CAC interest will be scheduled near the end of each regular Board meeting and after the Board’s consideration of the regular agenda.
- Each person addressing the Board is limited to three minutes, and the total amount of time for the two public input sessions will be 15 minutes each. These time limits may be extended by the President of the Board (or other presiding officer) in the case of comments addressed to agenda items and by a vote of the Board in the case of comments addressed to other topics of CAC interest.
- Persons addressing the Board may do so only on matters relating to CAC and are limited to the topic previously indicated when that person registered to address the Board.
- Persons addressing the Board are expected to observe a level of civility and decorum appropriate for a public meeting, and refrain from vulgar, profane, repetitive or harassing remarks or personal attacks against any person. The President of the Board (or other presiding officer) may terminate any presentation deemed not to adhere to these standards.